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Drawing Method

When I first began to draw, I learned how things look. And I would draw what I thought things looked like.


Now, this is not entirely my fault. If you look at any professional advertizing with a drawing in it, you will see that they all do the same thing.

They draw the shape of things.


This is not what things look like.


There is no thick black line outlining things.

Cup Drawing

The "correct" way to draw, that is if you want to draw things as they appear, you need to draw the darkness of things. The light is where you don't draw.


I spent a good while on this Kangaroo. 4 hours to be about exact.

Kangaroo Wallabe Drawing

I want you to look carefully at this guy's eye. I spent a good long time on it before anything else.

Original Picture
Kangaroo Eye
Greyscale Picture
Kangaroo eye greyscale
Kangaroo eye drawing

You need to look carefully at things and see where is there light, where is there dark, and then draw that,


Constantly check your drawing against the real image and see if it looks the same. If it doesn't, see why it doesn't, then change it so that it does.


Make sure the proportion of the shapes are correct relative to themselves and to each other.


Even if you don't plan on drawing things as they appear, it would do you well to practice drawing this way so that you can at least know when you are drawing reality and when you are drawing from your imagination.




 One of the most important resources an artist can have is time. I used to see work that artists have completed and thought to myself, "I can never do that!" Proof: I'd try and it'd look nothing like theirs. But I have since discovered that most artists are just as talented as the rest of us but they have time, persistence, patience, and they are willing to go over their work to fix up what's not right. It's true that some artists can whip out an awesome drawing in a few seconds and it's also true that some of them were born with that talent. But for the most of us mortals, it's all about hard work. Yay!

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